Do you thrive when motivated daily, when you are surrounded by a group of people working towards similar goals, and enjoy a little friendly competition?
Join our next 30 Day Challenge!
Specific nutrition and workout guidelines will be given to help you achieve MAXIMUM results in 30 days. You will be added to a group Facebook page where you will receive daily accountability, workout videos, and recipe ideas from myself and motivation from fellow challenge participants.
You will put $20 into the challenge pot and the winner at the end of the 30 days wins the pot! (Our largest so far was $900!!)
Submit $20 to the pot
Be a personal training or small group training client, attend a minimum of 1 bootcamp class a week, or sign up for a month of nutrition consulting.
Submit before and after photos and any required measurements/information required for challenge judging.
Contact me for more details or to sign up for the next challenge!
Challenge Results
January 2016 Challenge
The January 2016 30 Day Challenge had 26 participants competing in an effort to win a $600 prize. They worked their asses off in their workouts (literally!), meal prepped, ate clean, and stayed consistent with their plan. They also went above and beyond and truly were cheerleaders for each other and created an amazing community of support.
In total this group lost 222.2 lbs and 216.25 inches (that's over 18 feet!!!) in just 30 days. I am SO proud of them!!
Our winner, pictured below, lost 16 lbs (9.2% of her body weight) and a total of 13.75 inches. This woman ROCKED this challenge!!! Her before and after photos show what amazing physical changes she saw. More importantly, I could also see the mental changes in her... Her confidence, her increasing strength, her excitement in going from a size 12 to a size 6... It is truly a beautiful thing to see!!! She participated in her second challenge in March and saw even further amazing results!!
January Challenge
March Challenge
March 2016 Challenge
In the March 2016 30 Day Challenge 44 people competed for a $900 prize based off of body composition change, both in lean body mass gain and fat mass loss.
Our winner went from 196 to 202 lbs and from 14.1% to 12.5% body fat, which is a gain of 8.39 lbs of lean mass and a loss of 2.39 lbs of fat mass. It took a LOT of sacrifice and dedication, but look at what was accomplished in just 30 days!!!!
May 2016 Challenge
Our May 2016 30 Day Challenge had 31 people working for a $620 pot. The winner was chosen by a group of my peers, fellow trainers and coaches, based off of the overall transformation from before and after photos.
Our winner lost 6.4 lbs, which was 5.7% of her body weight, and 11 inches in just 30 days!!
September 2016 Challenge
The September 2016 30 Day Challenge had 47 people competing for a $940 pot! This group was judged on a point system based on percentage of body weight lost and inches lost.
Our winner lost 7.1% of her body weight and a total of 17.6 lbs and 14.5 inches!!! Amazing!!!