“Ashley keeps me accountable. Ashley helps me be strong physically and mentally. Ashley listens and helps me reach my goals. She serves up persistence and consistency in a way that has helped me become a badass with a great ass.” - T.W.

This client recently reached a big goal.. she has officially lost 65 lbs!

Regardless of that number though, what I love the most is what she told me during our session this morning... that she is happy with what she sees in the mirror. She is confident. She is proud. And THAT is what it’s all about ladies and gentlemen... not a specific weight, not looking like someone else, but feeling strong and confident in your own skin!!! 

Please take a couple of VERY IMPORTANT lessons from her journey:

I’ve been training her for 13 years!! During times of major life stressors she gained weight and ultimately got to the point of the “before” picture. However, through it all she NEVER 🏼 QUIT 🏼 TRAINING. Even when she didn’t do anything else on her own, she always worked with me 2 times a week. She knew having those appointments would guarantee she AT LEAST got those two in. To me this is huge because so often people only exercise when they’re trying to lose weight. But even if you’re not in that mode, keep working out for your mental health, to maintain strength, bone density, and cardiovascular health. Even if she wasn’t perfect, she stayed CONSISTENT.

She is a doctor, a wife, a mother of two teenagers. She has one of the busiest schedules of anyone I know. A medical practice, administrative duties, a family business, kids activities, kids sports, travel, etc. She had every excuse in the book to quit. But she didn’t. She made a plan for herself based on her schedule and lifestyle and she stuck with it, even on days she didn’t feel like it. Motivation is fleeting, don’t depend on it to get shit done. You have to be DEDICATED. Point blank period. 

This 65 lb loss was over the course of 2 years. It was NOT A QUICK FIX. She had long established her 2x a week workouts... sometimes she did more, sometimes she didn’t. Her biggest changes were dietary. 

She did not want to count calories. Instead she implemented a specific plan for herself based on her lifestyle that would allow her to be in a caloric deficit. For her it was intermittent fasting (she just had coffee with 1 tablespoon of heavy cream for breakfast) and she preplanned her meals... she picked 7 recipes at a time, bought all the groceries, and knew what she was making each night throughout the week. NO guesswork. She ate two large meals a day with quality whole food ingredients such as chicken caesar salad, shrimp and scallop pesto with zucchini noodles, and marinated chicken thighs with rice and peas. She did minimal snacking and no liquid calories. 

She scheduled a “joy meal” each week. (Please note it’s not a “cheat meal”... it’s food, not a spouse or a test... you’re not cheating on anything.) 

She intentionally had something she was craving and enjoyed every bite of it!

She also kept a food log EVERY DAY. She wrote down what she ate to keep her self honest. Even days she “messed up” she still wrote it all down. She also did a “thought download” EVERY DAY. A journal entry getting out whatever was on her mind that day... sometimes stress, sometimes anger, sometimes happiness, sometimes gratitude. But she journaled DAILY. 

How she reached this milestone was no crazy new fad, nothing magic. She stayed active. She ate less. She was intentional and had a plan for herself. She held herself accountable through daily journaling. And she simply NEVER QUIT. -Ashley

“I met Ashley a few years ago and told her I wanted to try out one of her classes. I had been going through some health issues and have dealt with depression and anxiety my entire adult life. I was diagnosed as Bipolar 2 and was on a lot of medication. I had come to a place in my life where I'd had enough of feeling like crap and wanted to make a change and it had to be drastic. I turned 58, got a new doctor, and decided to take charge of my health.

I chose to go off most of my meds under doctor supervision and went to my first class with Ashley in September of 2018. I also joined her wellness challenge the same day. Life changing is putting it mildly.

The workouts were so hard but helped me detox off my medications and helped me manage my anxiety. I fought the desire to quit and kept coming back. I cried sometimes because it was such an emotional release, but also felt stronger physically than I'd ever felt before. Everyone in class cheered me on and I have made a lot of great friends. Ashley has been such a great trainer and friend. She's been on the floor in my face while I tried to do just one more push-up telling me I could do it, taught me about nutrition, and has encouraged me with daily positive self affirmations to get through the hard days.

Jump ahead to today... I'm 15 pounds lighter, my depression and anxiety are so much better, and I'm so much stronger and healthier. I will be 60 in a couple months and can't wait to see how far I'll go!! Thank you Ashley!” - Melinda D.

 “I had learned to live with my chronic lower back pain, but finally I just couldn’t take it any longer. It was getting in the way of me doing the things I enjoyed and was even starting to limit basic daily tasks. I spoke with two other personal trainers before finding Ashley. She’s inspiring! She walks the walk and is full of solutions. She helped me find ways to make realistic changes in my daily life that worked for me, not just a basic generic plan. I don’t enjoy cooking, but she offers meal prep classes that help me stock my fridge with good meals! I like a little something sweet at night and instead of just telling me to stop she helped me find a better alternative, like a little dark chocolate! I now always have an apple and almonds in my handbag for a healthy snack instead of stopping to get any junk food. With the little changes she’s helped me incorporate along with training with her 3 times a week I’ve lost over 30lbs and have gained so much strength. Most importantly, I no longer have any lower back pain and can now get out and do the physical things I enjoy like trail running with my dogs, paddle boarding, and hiking.  I haven’t reached my goal yet but I’m getting close and I feel SO much better! I hope this helps someone to begin their journey to a healthier lifestyle.” - Ann S.

My client Ann has KILLED it for the past year... yes YEAR. She’s been consistent, always putting in effort. Takes what I give her and APPLIES it on a daily basis. Has trusted the process of building a foundation through corrective exercises, flexibility training, mobility work, eventually leading to more challenging strength training workouts and cardio drills. Her back doesn’t hurt anymore, her posture is a MILLION times better (no more locked knees and swayed back when standing!! Yay!!!), she can bust out exercises that she literally could NOT physically do when we started. She pushes herself hard during her workouts with zero complaint and is focused and determined. We reassess goals every few weeks and she follows each adjustment to her program to a T. I can’t wait to see how far she goes!! -Ashley

"Over the 14 months I've worked with Ashley on nutrition and exercise plans and have finally reached a goal I set for myself. It may not seem huge, but it is huge for me. Down over 10 lbs, and way way up in body confidence, I can say that I finally have a well balanced life and relationship with food, exercise, and my body. It may have taken over a year, but these are habits that are now part of my LIFE. It's become part of who I am. I didn't do some crazy crash diet or insane workout regimen...it's all realistic, and Ashley's knowledge and encouragement was a HUGE part of me reaching my goal. Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you❤️" - Cristina W.

“I was at an all time low…. Struggling for years with my weight, yo-yoing up and down. I am a Registered Nurse and you would think I, most of all, would know how to stay healthy. I was preaching it to my patients every day. But, no, I tried every diet there was to mankind. I was very active in high school and even college, but it caught up with me. I was eating to comfort my feelings, good or bad. And even though I have a supportive family and loving husband who loves me for who I am and not for what I look like, it was the easy and non-confrontational way I handled my feelings. It must have been fate to meet Ashley. Like I said, I tried every diet there was to mankind and Ashley was my last chance. At my request, my husband bought me sessions with a personal trainer. That is when I met Ashley. I felt we connected immediately. I had been with other trainers… and you just know when you bond with someone. I have known Ashley for at least 5 years now. She has helped me to keep my weight off with exercise, what kinds of foods to eat and when to eat them, and journaling everything I eat. When I stray, I can always call her and she helps me get back on track. I started a new job six months ago and could not seem to make the time to exercise and started gaining weight back. I knew I never wanted to be in that place again, so I called Ashley, and she got me going. I’m doing her boot camp, and even though I almost threw up and passed out (HaHa), I’ve lost 8 pounds in 6 weeks! And almost 50 pounds overall. It takes a long time to create habits as well as to break them. I will struggle with my weight every day and always will. I hate the fact that I will always have to make decisions about what I put in my mouth, but that is just what I personally need to do to stay successful, and Ashley has helped me to understand that! She really has been my therapist as well as my personal trainer. I appreciate everything she has done to help me get to where I want to be. Thank you Ashley!" - Sunna Revelle

"I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate all your help. I had always been "trying" to lose weight the last 5 years, but with your help I lost 30lbs in 4 months!! My jeans went from 36's to 32's, and I went from wearing large / x-large shirts to mediums, I've had to pretty much replace my entire wardrobe, lol. So keep up the good work, I will hit you up again soon for the next phase.” - James Armstrong 

"Over the last 20 some years I have had a collection of gym memberships, and worked with a number of in-house trainers. No matter the level of trainer they all seemed more interested in moving me from machine to machine or doing a one size fits all workout instead of adapting exercise to my personal needs. After working with Ashley I could never go back. She adapts her training to strengthen me in the areas where I am weak and has supported my recovery from a number of injuries. She has also helped me lose and now maintain a healthier weight. But beyond that she has become a friend who helps keep me on track with my long-term goal of staying healthy even when my busy life makes it so very difficult to stay balanced." - Robin Virgin, MD FAAFP, Medical Director PeaceHealth Medical Group 

When I first started working out with Ashley I was very out of shape and about 50 pounds overweight. I could barely run a mile without stopping, couldn’t do a full pushup or pull-up, and had hardly any endurance. Now, I train for Spartan races, can do close to 30 pushups, workout twice a day and can run upwards of 8 miles. I’ve lost over 38lbs and 15inches working with Ashley, through training and nutrition advice. It was after just one Bootcamp class that I was hooked. The workouts aren’t boring, there’s music playing, and people laughing and having a good time even though we all feel like we’re going to die. Just one class and I knew that I found something that would work for me. The thing about having a trainer is that you pay them to help hold you accountable, guide you through tough workouts, teach you proper form and nutrition, and then your hour is up. Ashley isn’t your average trainer though; here’s why.


Aside from having years of experience and a great knowledge base, Ashley has a passion for fitness and a passion for her clients. She leads by example with her own lifestyle and stays true to her brand. She lights up when she can push you to your limits and teach you new levels of endurance you may not have had. She will call you out when you break your word about what you’re going to do but she never attacks you or makes you feel guilty. She truly cares about the safety and success of her clients.

Community & Friendship

The bond that is built between trainer and trainee is so different than most relationships, but most of them are based on a contract of some sort and money is exchanged. The difference with Ashley is that it’s not about the money, it’s about being a part of someone’s life. She builds friendships with her clients and participates in their lives (i.e. birthdays, weddings, holiday parties, races, etc.) When I first started at Bootcamp classes I was shy and intimidated by all the veterans around me. After the first class I felt so at ease due to the atmosphere that is fostered in her studio! Everyone is encouraging, there’s never any negative comments, people push each other and literally help you when you need it. This comes from not only a great group of people but the leadership and style of the trainer. If I don’t get to class often enough I literally feel down from not being around all the great people.


Ashley spends more than just her hour with you. She offers support through texting, email, before and after class, anything to make you successful. I don’t know how many times I would randomly text her with questions about food, workouts, or just to get an extra boost of motivation. She works her butt off to be a successful business owner, trainer, and mom and still makes time for her clients even when she is “off the clock”.

You’ll be hard pressed to find a trainer that is more committed to helping you achieve your goals." - Cynthia Thompson 

“I started boot camp with Ashley at the end of May. I was very hesitant on going because I was so out of shape and overweight and I didn’t want to be judged or hold the other girls or guys up. The class sizes are kept small so if you need one on one help to correct form or a modification you will never get overlooked. Ashley wants to push you to your full ability, but never makes you feel like a failure if you need to take a second to catch your breath or if you need to make an adjustment to your form! The classes are very positive and the girls don’t judge but encourage you to keep going. In my first month of doing this class I was able to lose 17 pounds and drop just about 2 pants sizes. I have currently lost over 30 pounds. Ashley also helped me with changing how I eat and how many times a day... She doesn’t want you to look at it as a diet; instead it’s a lifestyle change. You don’t have to ever really go without and if you have a craving, go for it... just don’t overdo it! I’m so thankful for finding this group to work out with and can’t wait for the days I have boot camp! I’m a true believer that if you stick to the lifestyle change Ashley sets for you and continue with boot camp you will see results and feel so much better about yourself.” - Cali Jo

“Ashley’s classes have made a huge impact on my life not only in physical strength but in mental and emotional strength. My first class was 4 years ago and I never looked back.

I was convinced to go to Ashley’s class by a friend of mine. It was difficult for sure but the amount of support from Ashley and the others attending the class made it fun and inviting. You never felt weak or incompetent. Ashley can train you at whatever fitness level you are at and everyone in the class is your cheerleader. Ashley’s knowledge of how to maximize your workouts is beyond what you’d get at a regular gym. Her class can be more than working on your physical strength but even your mental and emotional strength. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, broke down barriers and found ourselves.

I have gone from running/walking a 5k in about 50min to running one in 26min or even challenging myself to longer races or relays. I have gone from lifting single digit weights to double digit. I have gone from no confidence to believing myself. I have gone from hating myself to loving myself. It is hard to explain the internal transformation you go through when you work with Ashley but I am a stronger more confident person than I have ever been. With the help of Ashley and the amazing support system I have gained, I have been able to achieve that.” - Lindsay G

""Just at the point of giving up you realize that right on the other side of a defeat is another victory.” In May of 2014 I was significantly injured in an auto accident. By the end of that year I was in tremendous pain and almost ready to give up. In March 2015, after two surgeries, I was referred to Ashley. With one phone call she was at my house and there to help me. She is amazing! I struggled a lot to produce the results she was looking for. She met that challenge head on and continued coming to my home. I eventually graduated to her studio and the rest is history. Ashley has been training me at least three times a week for almost five years. She encourages me and motivates me in many ways to do my best. I have completely recovered. At age 72 I am stronger and have more endurance and self confidence than ever before. Ashley has the experience and knowledge to help you reach your goals. She is truly gifted and has a way that pushes you to want to do your best. That's because she cares, and you feel it.” - Louise L.

When I first started training Louise at age 68 she was in chronic, debilitating pain after a bad car accident and the subsequent surgeries. We started with in-home training and I first just took her on a walk to get her moving again... but within 5 minutes she was limping because her knees hurt so bad. We tried having her lay on the floor to do some flexibility work... but she couldn’t get down, or back up, because she couldn’t put any weight on her arms without excruciating pain, had no core strength to be able to sit up without her arms helping, and couldn’t bend her knees enough to kneel... I basically thought what in the world are we going to be able to do???? But we didn’t quit. We kept working, we kept adapting, we slowly kept building, and we kept TRYING despite the hard days. I’m proud to say that she kept showing up and kept putting in the effort and now she’s capable of doing SO MUCH physically!!! I mean just look at her!!! I sure hope I look like that when I’m in my 70s!!! - Ashley

“When I reached my highest weight and my lowest self-esteem, I was stuck in a cycle of unhealthy eating and was almost completely sedentary. My clothes were getting unbearably tight, and I did not feel even remotely sexy. I decided it was time for some big changes and that I needed help. I met with Ashley, and she explained what it would take to reach my fitness goals and worked with me to design a routine that would get me there. There are no gimmicks or fads with Ashley. I learned the hard science on how my body and mind will respond to a proper nutrition and exercise plan. With some willpower and taking advantage of the services, community, and education she offers, I've achieved some very serious results in my first year working with her. I've lost over 40lbs, regained my confidence, improved my posture, and know exactly what I am putting in my body with every meal. I feel like I am set for life with what I've learned so far, and am motivated to keep going strong. Reaching out to Ashley for help was one of the smartest decisions I have ever made.” - Michael G.


“My name is Tomi and I have been training with Ashley for a number of years. I started out in my mid fifties not being able to get up off the floor without the help of someone else or a very stable piece of furniture. I would wake up in the middle of the night and have to stretch because my muscles were sore and achy from not ever being used. I decided that if I didn’t do something soon, I would be using a walker, or worse, by the time I was in my sixties. I really didn’t want that so I went to the gym and that’s where Ashley came into my life. My goal was to get control of my life through exercise. Diet was an emotional time bomb so I didn’t want to go there, but I did want to be physically better. It was slow going but Ashley’s motto with me was “baby steps.” I am now in my sixties and I have lost 60 lbs and am doing things with weights and exercise I never thought I would be able to do. Worse yet, when I want to be lazy I hear Ashley’s voice in my head telling me what I should be doing. I mostly listen. :) I still have a ways to go, but the really successful part that made me want to cheer myself was that when I was stuck at a certain weight for two or three years, I didn’t gain any of my lost weight back. Why do I still need Ashley? She pushes me harder than I would ever push myself. When it gets hard and I am working on my own I tell myself “thats good enough.” When it gets hard and I am working with Ashley she says “good, now give me five more!” - Tomi Hanson

"I have always struggled to balance my diet with a healthy workout schedule. When I got engaged I tried for 6 months to eat what I thought was good and doing workouts that I thought were sufficient. 6 months later went by with no changes, no weight loss. Finally I found Ashley. I really liked her approach to her workouts that she gave me and the meal planning. She wasn't giving me a cookie cutter plan, she actually educated and gave me all the tools to help me to create my own meal plans. Every week I would have new workouts. They were challenging but within a week of following real clean eating and being dedicated at the gym I felt like a new person. I have been working with Ashley for 6 months. I am so thankful I had her to help me to lose the weight and body fat I needed to be healthy and look and feel great for my wedding. My husband is always giving me compliments on the changes my body has made as well as how much life confidence I have. Thank you Ashley for being a coach, a support and an amazing personal trainer!" - Olivia Sweeney 

"At the beginning of 2014 I started my regiment to get ready for my vacation to Miami. I trained hard for 2 months straight and wasn’t seeing any significant results even while eating clean. Natalie and I contacted Ashley to see if she could help us get beach ready with a month remaining. Before we started training I sent her the meals I was eating, when I was eating and how much. After some adjustments to my diet we dove into the training. I started out at 204lbs at the end of February. She pushed us through gruesome workouts that you felt like you were literally going to die but when you have a goal in mind and you want to achieve it, you have to work hard to get there. She had constant motivation throughout these death sessions to encourage you that we could do it. After 4 hard weeks of training with her and eating right I dropped 13lbs and weighed 191lbs the day I left for vacation. As you can see the end results for both of us were staggering. The thought of working with a trainer is intimidating but don’t let it be. Everyone is on different levels and have different goals. If you have a fitness goal in mind, whatever it is, Ashley will form fit a program to help you achieve that goal. She is extremely knowledgable in exercises and nutrition. Ashley will teach how to workout to avoid injury and to get the most benefit out of it. There were no secret pills, paid for tv dieting programs, just working hard and support. Ashley is a genuine trainer that cares about what you want to achieve and your health. If you are considering making a change in your life I would highly recommend contacting her today for a consultation." - Jamie Meushaw

“Ashley Clinton is synonymous with success. Failure is not in her repertoire and she will help one accomplish their goals with respect, kindness, support and flexibility. In the three years that I worked with Ashley, she has not cancelled , been late, or not been able to find a way to make up a session that I had to cancel. She is always positive, very professional and has extensive knowledge of muscle groups and how they should be worked. I always felt like I had a really good workout after our sessions. She is a stickler for proper form, and can work in any situation or location, with whatever is available to use, be it benches at a park or a small square in ones living room. I lost 25 lbs and kept most of it off: anything gained back was is own inability to eat what she tells me! I have learned so much , but mostly the importance of eating healthy and exercising consistently, which now I consider a part of my life. I would highly recommend her services." - Lauren Shafer

I started my weight loss goal after 3 significant situations happened in my life. First, I went to the doctor last August (after a girls binge drinking trip to Bend) and my blood work came back off the charts. My triglycerides were 1300 (normal is under 200) and was put on many medications. Because of this I started reducing the 2000 calories I was drinking every day (Pepsi, Gatorade, Starbucks, and wine... yes Ashley, it was 2000 calories!). The second event was that I had to change doctors for the third time because they kept calling me obese and simply just making me feel bad about my weight.  So I found a very polite doctor who did agree with them but also worked with me. I started cutting down on eating out, started packing my lunches to work and worked towards just getting the scale back down to just being overweight versus obese. The third situation was my surprise 40th birthday party. This one really kicked my rear. I had worked very hard at having no pictures of myself on any social media, however after that night my picture and a video of me dancing was everywhere!!! I was so sad that I looked like I did, yet happy that I had so many friends there for me.  I then realized I had sooooo many important life events for me and my family and they were never shared on social media because I was ashamed of my weight. :( So my I made a personal goal to lose 40 pounds while I was 40 years old.

I used Ashley's workouts and 30 day challenges to put myself first. I skipped out on birthday parties, birthday cakes, nights out drinking with great friends, dinners out with my family, lunch dates, board meetings, even a couple of my sons baseball games. I signed up to give these challenges 100% for 30 days. I put myself first through two of them. During the two challenges I followed Ashley's plan as close as I could and lost a total of 30 pounds while doing them, which was in just 60 days. Some of my friends / family call it selfish, have called me psycho, said I am doing it all wrong, said I could gain it back. These could be true but I am not done yet:) 

I am so thankful that I followed my friend Bridi from work to Ashley's bootcamps! They have changed my life in so many ways. I now am in the process of lowering my very last medication!!! I am finally at a normal BMI (not overweight and not obese)!!!! And I have lost a total of 42 pounds! The best part is that I am looking forward to posting all new life events on social media!  I made the commitment for me and I did it! Thank you so very much Ashley for helping me turn my life around! You pushed me when I needed it and helped me through healing when I needed it! I appreciate you so very much!

I am sharing a group of some of my important very special before pictures and a group of some more recent:) The before pictures never made to social media until now. I am sharing these because I hope they help someone else realize their goal and work hard at meeting it! - Brenda Tautfest

“In my years of battling with my weight, especially after having children, I have worked with a few different trainers. None have ever been as knowledgeable, driven, encouraging, tough, and fun as working with Ashley Clinton. When you work with Ashley, it’s clear that she cares about your success. She wants you to reach your goals every bit as much as you want to – probably more! Not only does she NOT let me get away with making excuses, she calls me on them and helps me see where my excuses are getting me – nowhere! Training with Ashley is a love/hate situation – the workouts are tough – VERY tough – and I am so glad when they are over, but when they are over, I realized that I accomplished something big that day, that I got through it, that I am tougher than I thought I was, and had fun in the process. Most of all, I know I’m going to see results if I get out of my own way, listen to Ashley and follow her advice!" – Jessica D.